Entries by Felicia Guarini

5 lessons from birdwatching for everyday life

It’s happened: we finally saw a kingfisher! This iconic bird is not extinct or rare, it’s just very elusive. The only glimpse I ever had of it was a flash of its distinctive electric blue feathers in the split second it flew by like an arrow. But last weekend, somewhere in Brandenburg, we sighted a […]

Le amicizie oltre-confine ai tempi del coronavirus

Stamattina ho avuto un “momento di cortina di ferro” all’ufficio postale. Credo che uno dei modi migliori per rimanere umani di fronte ad una crisi sia quello di regalarsi vicendevolmente una gioia inaspettata. Per questo volevo davvero mandare questa cosa in Italia, ad una mia amica dei tempi dell’università che avevo incontrato di nuovo a […]


Friendship across borders

I had an „Iron Curtain Moment” at the post office this morning. I think one of the best ways to stay human in the face of a crisis is to give each other an unexpected joy, so I really wanted to send this thing to Italy, to my friend from University whom I had met […]

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Do women make bad financial decisions?

Wait, this is not an article on gender-based financial stereotypes. The motivation for it stems from my observation of women who do happen to make short-sighted financial decisions in their relationship, and by my quest to look for answers. During my research, I had the pleasure of interviewing Caroline Bell, Managing Director of FinMarie, and […]

What I love about the power of choice

  How is it that some people are attached to their struggle? Well, struggling has its merits: you get sympathy and you don’t need to stretch yourself to change. When someone says: “it won’t work, because it never does”, it seems like they have already made a decision. Indeed, they have chosen a way to […]


Why child inclusive mediation is important

After participating in a workshop on child inclusive mediation I revisited some of my ideas on direct consultation with children in mediation. Until now I have preferred to introduce the voice of the child indirectly by means of child focused mediation tools. In my opinion, it is a gentle and at the same time very […]